Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Photos in my Mailbox

Most mornings I get up, stumble around making coffee and then sit down at my computer to read the morning news online and check my email before getting ready for work. Once in a while there is a surprise in my email that makes my day a good one right off the bat. A few days ago I had one of those surprises.

Jill had emailed me some photos of Zach. Nice way to start the day - seeing a grandson's smiling face. These photos of the grandkids enjoying themselves are precious. Makes me feel connected, even though I am unable to go to school functions due to the annoying need to work to pay the rent and bills.

Zach had taken a trip to the zoo with his class. He later told me that it was fun. He liked the giraffes. It sure looks like he was having a good time with his friends.

Then there was the music program put on by his class for their parents. Zach acted as a Master of Ceremonies. His mother tells me that he did a great job. When he was asked why he volunteered for the job, he said that he thought they needed good readers. No false modesty there. And he is right. He reads above the level of his eight years. I am so glad that I have the photos to document this acheivement. Well done, Zach. Grandma is proud of you.

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