Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I haven't had many photos of Zach for a while, and when I found that Jill had posted some on Facebook, I stole them. Yup, snagged those photos as fast as I could download them. I confessed my crime to her a couple of days later, and she assured me that it was quite alright for me to download them. Kinda took the fun out of it, making it legal and all. But nonetheless, I now have Zach photos.

I have been making scrapbook pages using these photos. Haven't had time lately to use them all, but here are the ones I have finished. I am not sure when some of these were taken, but I sure do like them.

Jill tells me that the look on Zach's face in this photo reflects his displeasure with his golf score.

These photos were taken in February, 2008, while on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Jill says that it was her Dad's idea for Zach and his cousin, Bennett, to swim with the dolphins. He had called her several times and asked her to look at the website to see if it was something the kids would enjoy. Zach wasn't too sure about the whole thing to begin with, but he ended up loving it. The boys didn't actually swim with the dolphins, but they learned how to make them jump, got pulled by the dolphins on a raft, and got a dolphin kiss. Looks like they were really having a good time.

So, Jill, be forewarned. You post Zach's photos on Facebook, I'm gonna get 'em.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boston's New Glasses

Our Boston got her new glasses this week. Her Dad shared the pictures with me. She looks so nice in them, and I am really glad that she likes wearing them. Maddie was beginning to feel a little bit left out in the picture taking, so her Dad took some pictures of her wearing her sunglasses.

I am not surprised that one of my grandchildren needs help to see clearly. Weak eyes run in my family. All of my children got glasses at relatively young ages. My siblings and I all wear glasses. So did my parents. I would not be surprised if eventually all of my grandkids will need them.

When Boston's uncle Duane got his first glasses, he promptly lost them. I believe he might have lost the second pair as well. It wasn't until a few years ago that he told me that he lost those glasses by digging a hole in a flower bed and burying them. Kids can be pretty inventive when they don't want to do something, like wear glasses.

I remember when I got my first pair. I was in the third grade of elementary school. My teacher alerted my parents to the fact that I was having trouble reading what was written on the blackboard, so off to the eye doctor I went. I can still remember walking out of that office the day I got my new glasses to discover that trees weren't just a trunk with a big green blur at the top. There were individual leaves that made up the green part of the trees, and I could see each one. Flowers were not blobs of color, but had petals and were different one from another. I could read street signs and numbers on license plates on the cars. Amazing. I think that it was so much fun for me to be able to read a book without having to hold it inches from my nose to see the words, that I have never minded wearing glasses.

So enjoy your new specs, Boston. Not only are they a fashion statement, but there is a whole big, beautiful world out there, and you can see it all now.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tooth Fairy

My phone rang one evening last week. Boston was calling to let Grandma know that she had lost another tooth. Her third one. It fell out at school and Grandpa Kreig had already given her a dollar, but she thought that the Tooth Fairy would come that night anyway. I assured her that Grandpa's dollar was a bonus, and that the Tooth Fairy wouldn't forget about her. She told me to be sure to check my email, as her Dad had taken a picture and he was going to send it to me. He did, and here it is.

Along with that picture were a few more that David thought I would enjoy. He was right.

The girls love to have their pictures taken. Bring out the camera and their faces light up and the smiles appear. The bonus of that for me is I get lots of pictures of smiling grandkids. I rarely have a bad day. But once in a while one sneaks up on me. At those times, all I need to do is scroll through my folder of smiling grandkid pictures, and my world is bright and happy again. Perfect.

I particularly love this picture of Staci reading to Jacob. How lucky he is to have parents who read to him. I hope they continue to do so and instill in him a love of reading. Many times I have lost the better part of a day engrossed in a good book. That is not time wasted. It is time spent with interesting people in interesting places doing interesting things, be they real, as in biographies, or fictional, like the mystery stories I enjoy. It is my hope that my grandkids will come to love reading about new people, places and adventures, as I do.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Warning! Cute Grandkid Photos Ahead

My email has brought some more cute grandkid photos from David. If the rest of you want your cute kid photos, or any other photos here, get busy. I can't post them if I don't have them.

David says that these photos represent a day in the life of his kids. It seems that first, the girls wanted to play "camping out." So they set up the tent indoors and pretended to be on a camping trip. Got the little one involved in the game as well.

Later on they all went outdoors to play. Dad had bought a new play-toy, and the kids wanted to go for a ride. So they took some pictures, and off they went. David says they had lots of fun riding on the new snowmobile.

Boston made a snowman out in the yard, and it looks like she did a pretty good job of it. I hope she got her mittens back from him before her little fingers got too cold.

Boston called Grandma Kreig to tell her about her day. Get used to this pose, Mom and Dad. You will be seeing it a lot when she gets a bit older. My mother always told me that she thought the telephone receiver was just part of my face, for several years.

Back inside, Jacob was doing what Jacob does best - going places he shouldn't be going. The gate on the stairs to the basement keeps him somewhat corralled. I wonder how long it will take before he learns the secret to opening the gate.

I love to get pictures. Although the ones of special occasions are great, the pictures of what my grandkids are doing on a daily basis are so much fun for me. I can't be there to join in, but I feel as though I am included when I see what they are up to. Thank you, kids, for sharing your day with me.

