Monday, April 7, 2008

Hockey Star

We have a hockey star in the family.

Zach learned to ice skate when he was three years old. When he reached the age of five years, he started playing hockey. He played for the Mini-Mites for two years. This year, he played in Mites 3, which is the highest level in that hockey program. His team is the Bulldogs.

Zach says that he likes playing the center position best because he gets to skate all over the ice. He likes the position of goalie the least, because they wear so much equipment, and it isn't all that comfortable!

I am continually amazed by the things Zach can do. At age seven, not only does he plays hockey, he also swims and plays chess. And, he can say the alphabet backwards. I can't! At age seven, I was playing hide-and-go-seek and hopscotch. And struggling through "Dick and Jane" books.

This generation of children is so much further advanced than was my generation. My grandkids can whomp me any day of the week at video games. They play sophisticated games on the internet that I don't even understand. I am not too crazy about their choices in music, but I recall that my parents weren't too happy with my music, either.

There is something to be said for a slower, less frantic way of life like I had as a child, but there is also a good deal to be said for the advances that have been made since then. These kids will grow up with so much more knowledge at their fingertips, and with skills that I could not even imagine. I am so lucky to be able to watch them grow and develop these skills.

We are very proud of you, Zach. This page is for you.

Love, Grandpa and Grandma

1 comment:

jill said...

I think "hockey star" is a stretch, but Zach likes his page!