Friday, September 19, 2008

I Am Grateful

We all think of things we are grateful for or thankful for during the Thanksgiving season. But sometimes we need to count our blessings without a holiday to remind us to do so. There are no photos accompanying this post. Just words from a grateful Mom.

I am grateful for my eldest son, who asked me to email him on my days off so he knows I am OK. He shows up at my apartment every week or two, and he and Kathy have taken me to lunch and shopping. He calls just to see how I am and to share whatever is going on in his
life. If he is here while I am at work, he will go to the store and pick up whatever I need, making it easier when I take the bus to go shopping, so I don't have so much to carry home by myself. I am grateful.

I am grateful for my eldest daughter, who has stepped up to the plate and helped me out in bad times. A few days ago, while talking with her on the phone, I told her that I was glad that she enjoyed my blog enough to want me to continue. I told her that earlier, I had felt somewhat overwhelmed now that I was alone, and she made sure that I understood that if ever I needed anything, all I had to do was call her. She tells me what my grandson is doing, and in the process, makes me laugh at the things he does and says, usually at a time when I really need to laugh. I am grateful.

I am grateful for my youngest daughter, who calls just because she hasn't talked to me for a little while, and wants to know how I am. She keeps me informed about what she and her kids are doing, and that helps me stay connected. She is always there when I need to go somewhere I can't get to by bus, or even if I can, she still takes me where I want to go. We have gone out to dinner together a couple of times lately, and I enjoy her company. I am grateful.

I am grateful for my youngest son. He and Staci bring the kids to see me from time to time, and email me pictures of their family, and that always brightens my day. He, too, will call to see how I am. He will do things like stopping in to see me at work, or like today, when he stopped at work and I wasn't there. It is my day off. Starla told him I had taken the bus to Target, so when I got off the bus, he was right behind, honking the horn and yelling, "Hey, Mom." He came in, and we sat and ate popcorn and drank sodas and talked for a long time. It makes me feel good that he wants to spend time talking with me. I am grateful.

All of my children have been there for me when it mattered. They make my life better. And they make me laugh. I once told one of them that I intended to live long enough to be a problem to my children, and the answer that came back to me was, "Mom, your work here is done!" I told another that he was driving me crazy, and his response was, "That's OK, Mom. It's a real short trip!" Another reminded me that I probably should behave, because, after all, it was my children who would select the nursing home! They all have wonderful senses of humor. Without that, we would all take ourselves way too seriously. The fact that we can joke and laugh is a good thing, and keeps us grounded, and lightens the load of everyday living. I am grateful.

I probably don't tell my children often enough how much I appreciate them all, and that is something that needs to be said. I hope they all understand how much I love them and how much it means to me to know that they are near. I am grateful.


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